mercoledì 13 giugno 2012


Volentieri pubblico il suggerimento di una lettrice, che mi ha scritto queste righe per posta:

Hello Irene, Having visited your blog Pas Pasa Pan, I noticed that you mention online file converters. In line with that, I wanted to bring your attention to our free online PDF Converter. It has the ability to create PDFs from virtually any document format or convert PDF documents to Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Its main features include: · 100% free · Safe and easy to use · Unlimited number of conversions · Hassle-free: no need to buy or install anything on your computer · Fast and accurate conversion results You can learn more and test it here: I hope that you will find the time to check it out and review it, or otherwise mention it on your blog. Your users will surely find it handy. I look forward to your feedback or any questions that you may have! Best regards, Cindy

Un servizio molto utile, sicuro, facile da usare, con un numero illimitato di conversioni, tutto fattibile online. Molto buono, l'ho provato ed è ottimo. Consigliato!

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